I know this is quite a bit off topic for me but I knew you had to see this. I have recently stumbled across a blog that has sent my creative juices flowing! The Story Of A Princess and Her Hair(PrincessHairstyles.com) is written by a mother showcasing all of her fabulous hair designs that she has created for her daughter. Now this woman is CRAFTY, not in the sense of the word that I have known but, this definitely is a craft...art made from hair!
Who knew there was so much more than ponytails and clippies, where were you when I was a child! Any little girl is guaranteed to feel like a princess with one of these "do's"!
I just want to say a BIG thank you to this hair doin' Mama that writes this blog for helping me to see that there are so many ways to do kids hair! My girls and I had a blast today trying out one of these super do's!!!
Thank you for sharing!I am going to try and talk my daughter Julia into trying it out!